Benjamin K.
Bergen’s book “Louder than Words” has gained a lot of attention as a work of
popular linguistic theory, combined with neuroscience. I enjoyed reading the
book a lot, and I felt that it was a very insightful work for the “linguistic
layperson”, as well as perhaps for the neuroscience “layperson”, and it could
easily help said people to get an introduction to some very fascinating
research dealing with the use of language in both a quantifiable and objective
format. Or, put in other words, this newly-published book deals with what
science can objectively say about how human beings understand language. Most
people, especially those people who have little to no knowledge of studying
either their own language or a foreign language, probably are not very curious
about how people use their brains to understand language; indeed, language is
such a ubiquitous part of our everyday experience as people, that most of us
tend not to even give it a second
thought. We talk, we write, we read, we listen to what other people have to say
to us, and we focus on the subjects of the incoming words that we process.
However, have you ever stopped for a minute to consider how you process all this incoming information? Furthermore, have
you ever even classified the words that you hear and see, or form in your own
head, as “information?” According to the way that a neuroscientist thinks,
living beings (and this includes every living creature) react to stimuli (or
perhaps one could just call it external
stimulation). Creatures with complex nervous systems react to the things
that they perceive by sight, sound, smell, and sensation. Though as humans, we
do not like to deconstruct our senses and call what we perceive around us
“stimuli”, for the sake of science, we are forced to do so if we wish to remain
objective. Thus, we have learned to not merely react to things that we see around us, but human intelligence, with
the help of language, has enabled us to think of the things that we see and
hear around us as “stimuli”, and also to have a constant internal dialogue
within ourselves to which we also react.
These concepts of stimulation and reaction essentially form the core research
of neuroscience. This research is then used in order to map the brain, and
determine which areas of the brain are used for specific functions. This
process of mapping the brain is undertaken by scientists with the help of brain
scans, and a machine that measures neural oscillations—otherwise known as brain
waves. Up to this point, the thing that had hitherto not been attempted,
however, was to determine whether or not talking and hearing about specific
mechanical actions would actually fire certain parts of the brain that are
responsible for the actual execution of various mechanical functions of the body.
For example, Bergen and his researchers wanted to know whether or not the
thought of pounding a nail into a board would actually fire the specific
neurons in the brain that activate the muscles in the wrist used for pounding.
What they discovered was that, yes, merely thinking thoughts about actions
undertaken by the limbic system was enough to activate the same brain regions
which control the actual physical actions themselves.
thing that Bergen’s new book relentlessly goads his readers into considering is
that, before completing an action such as pounding a nail into a piece of wood,
or imagining the color of a polar bear’s nose, as people, we are required to
use language and grammar in order to accomplish the task of imagining something.
However, it is not spoken language,
but rather, something that he labels as “mentalese”, or the sentences in one’s
head that one must think, which is transferred to an action which is to be
carried out either immediately, or at an indefinite time in the future by the
specific human who is to perform the specific action. It is true that other
mammals such as dogs and chimpanzees can successfully memorize hundreds, and in
some cases, thousands, of new words, but the way that humans use language, we
can imagine entire scenarios in our minds, and plan out what we will do before
we do them, as well as engage in complex discussions with other people about
innumerable topics. A parrot can, for instance, learn to recognize a toy and say what the object is to its owner; the
same parrot can probably also figure out how to open a cage on its own, as well
communicate some bit of parrot information to another parrot. However, a parrot
cannot use language to figure out how to
get out of its cage, and then explain to its owner what it did in order to
escape. The fact that human beings can use language to plan, and also
communicate complex ideas, is one of the key traits that separate us
cognitively from other animals—even other animals that are exceedingly
intelligent and perceptive. Indeed, our collective ability to listen to
instructions, follow them, and also to create our own plans and execute them
within our own minds, is one of the things that seems to indicate that we
actually do have free will to do what
we want, as opposed to being confronted with a stimulus, such as a predator, and merely reacting to it by running
away, or fighting back against it. This is, of course, not to suggest that
other animals don’t have the capacity to reason; however, it should be an
indication that humans are the only animals that seem to have a complex
inner-life of emotions and plans reverberating within the confines of their
skulls. The reason that we do have
such complex thoughts, and that on a given day we can make a “to-do list”, is
precisely that we can use language in the way that we do (animal language is a very fascinating topic, but I am a linguist,
and not an animal behaviorist, so I will not be able to offer any insight
whatsoever on said topic). The specifically human pattern in which we use
language—which more or less is to gather information about one or multiple
topics and either keep track of them, or act on them, is accomplished with the
help of 2 things, without which we
could not create any thoughts: grammar,
and syntax. Within the field of
linguistics, grammar is defined as something that exists in all human language,
which ends up being the sum total of everything within a given language—from how
words are formed, how actions are spoken of in the present tense, all the way
to how objects are taken from being distinguished between a singular and a
plural form. Syntax, on the other hand, can generally be defined as the proper word order of a given sentence
within a language.
to the subject of Bergen’s book, the research that he and his fellow University
of California-San Diego researchers performed consisted mainly of testing how
both grammar and syntax have an effect on test subjects’ response to reading
and hearing sentences about performing actions, as well as imagining various
scenarios and objects in their minds. In a nutshell, Bergen’s hypothesis about language
and its relation to the motor system is that humans, essentially, have to perform
what he defines in his book as an embodied
simulation about everything that they hear or read via a visual process in their
minds, and that individual words are merely verbal cues that activate
simulations related to limbic and other motor systems in the brain. He further hypothesizes,
essentially, that the cerebral cortex is co-wired with particular words to
activate particular actions, in different brain regions. This would mean, for instance, that there is a set “what” and “where”
pathway for neurons on which to run, and that by a more or less “Pavlovian”
association of verbal or written cues, which we associate with our direct
interactions in and our experiences of the physical world which we have already
experienced. What is linguistically new about his hypothesis is that he and
his researchers believe that the “mentalese” that we all speak to ourselves
within our own minds is very much dependent on our own motor systems, as
opposed to the traditional view that grammar and syntax are more or less
independent entities that can be used freely by the human mind to think of any
thought that one’s heart desires on a whim. Throughout the book, Bergen makes
it fairly clear that he is placing a lot of hope into his hypothesis, as he
believes that a “stimulus/reaction” scenario is much more in-line with what is
already known about evolution as opposed to a theory of a sort of grammar that
is independent of visual and other sense-associations, and that by looking at
our current brain-language machinery, we can easily make some leaps and fill in
some of the gaps in the theories as to why humans’ highly advanced intelligence
with regard to articulated abstract thoughts and sense of freedom of action does
not seem to make sense within the framework of what I will call for the sake of
this essay “the stimulus-reaction paradigm”, the paradigm which is more or less
the basis of modern neuroscience and neural evolutionary theory. In short, he
is postulating that our ongoing internal dialogue within ourselves must be, by the framework imposed by
what we know about evolution, more or less an illusion, and that even our
capacity to think abstractly is based on things such as spatial relationships
and deductions based on complex yet entirely subjective associations with
individual words that the observer makes.
important and extremely challenging point that Bergen makes with his work is
that individual words, and thus not syntax
and grammar, must directly trigger the same physical
response as does actually physically completing the same action that said words
represent—when a test subject is having his/her brain either scanned or his/her
brain waves measured. And not only does Bergen predict that syntax and grammar
are themselves not responsible for firing specific neurons related to specific
motor actions within the cerebral cortex, but furthermore, that other parts of
speech within a sentence (besides nouns and verbs), such as tense markers,
conjunctions, adverbs and the pronoun markers that denote the idea of “person”
(the difference between I, her, and y’all), are all based on subjective
impressions of spatial relationships that the respective interpreter of a
sentence is making between physical objects, and also abstract concepts. Or, in
other words, individual words must
trigger associations that a person makes about his/her physical body with both
physical objects and abstract concepts, and that the language of thought within
our heads must therefore be an illusion—something that is physical at its core,
and not detached from the stimulus/response paradigm at all. For instance, an
experiment within Bergen’s research indicated that test subjects having their
brains monitored for activity pressed buttons in such a way that indicated that
they perceived events described as having occurred in the past tense in the
same way that they perceived an object that had been described as being far
away from them, and that they had also pressed a button in such a way that
indicated that they had perceived events described as having occurred in the
present progressive tense in the same way that they had perceived an object
that had been described as being physically close to them. Bergen writes about
his own research:
experimenters found that participants responded to completed-state
faster than ongoing-state pictures following perfect [past tense]
This suggests that the participants were not representing the
structure of events described with the perfect, so much as their
than Words, pg. 116)
What this seems
to imply, therefore, is that the grammatical structure representing tense is
not so much evidence of human beings’ using language to grasp abstract
concepts, as it is to imply that a structure such as tense is a word that
triggers a sort of “Pavlovian” association that regulates spatial relationships
in the mind of the respective speaker, and that the grammatical structure
itself is more or less an illusion.
results of Bergen’s research are, however, inconclusive, as much as he and his
researchers appeared to be in favor of its being true throughout the book.
However, Bergen readily admits that there is not enough evidence to come to any
one conclusion or another about it. The
conclusion from his research that can be
conclusively made, however, is that the new “neurolinguistic” concept of
embodied simulation is indeed a real phenomenon, and that it does play a
significant role in a person’s mental process of understanding all kinds of
situations, learning how to do new tasks, and performing a specific physical
action. And it is indeed quite fascinating to contemplate the fact that
human beings interact with the world, and form associations about it, based
very much so on a sort of “personalized experience”—which is to say that we as
human beings are in a certain way
“Pavlov-ian”. What I believe to be true about such a “personalized experience”
view of human language is that we do partly use our physical bodies while we
are speaking language, and that our mental associations are probably a large
piece of the puzzle when it comes to our ability to acquire language in the
first place. But to jump to the conclusion that the way that we understand
language must be entirely “Pavlov-ian” is a bit of a leap too far, and in my
opinion, it does not do human language its due justice. The logical conclusion
that could be reached by the embodied simulation hypothesis, when taken 100%
literally, is that we do not, as people, really experience grammar at all;
rather, we associate certain words with outside actions in a completely
visceral way. Therefore, we must come
to the logical conclusion that language is nothing more than another (albeit a
currently inexplicably complex one) stimulus/response feedback loop that we use
in order to deal with our existence in the world. But stop for a minute and think about what this actually means for
language, then: that there really isn’t anything to it besides random
associations. What to do with grammar, if there is nothing but random
words? Well, we can also think of the word order that we use as nothing but a
set of familiar patterns. Of course, I don’t believe that Bergen actually
consciously comes to such a conclusion about language—namely, that language,
grammar and syntax are essentially meaningless add-ons, and that other “more
primitive” mental processes are actually what fill in the gaps between words
that are more difficult to associate together—giving us only the illusion that grammar and syntax exist
in the first place. For instance, the association between mouth and water,
based on a spatial relation/stimulus-response pattern, is very easy to make.
However, it is much more difficult for a person to make the spatial connection
between a wagon pulled by oxen and a cliff, and the important detail that the
wagon and all the oxen ran over the cliff, for the reason that the driver of
said wagon had fallen asleep. Bergen may be unintentionally wrapping language
up into a box of deconstructionist scrap for the sake of making the entire
concept of language consistent with what is already known about how animal
brains work. However, I don’t believe that Bergen’s research ultimately has the
intent of totally deconstructing anything poetic about language itself. In
fact, it is actually quite refreshing for me, as a traditional linguist, to see
objective scientific research done showing just how utilitarian language actually is; most people don’t understand that
language is actually a human being’s most important tool (I’ll come back to
this topic in a bit).
get me wrong, I strongly feel that this new linguistic concept of embodied
simulation plays an extremely important role in the way that we as people use
language in our everyday lives. Bergen points out relatively early on in his
book an example of athletes who, instead of training harder in their sports by
performing sports-specific tasks, actually made enormous improvements in their
respective sports by merely imagining that they were performing, and acting out
various athletic tasks in their heads (which efficiency was of course
objectively measured with the help of brain scans and brain wave measurements).
What this implies about language is, essentially, that it functions as a
general “body command system” in the same way that actually performing various
actions does. Furthermore, in this paradigm, there must be complete continuity between imagined action and the actual
physical completion of an action. What Bergen has essentially tried to do is
add language into this paradigm, and make no distinction between imagining an
action, and actually constructing a coherent grammatical thought about performing the same action. Are these two
actions the same thing? Can one imagine performing an action without also
constructing a sentence? I don’t believe that Bergen ever asked this specific
question in his book, but I believe that it is fairly obvious that visualizing
and/or simulating something in one’s mind does not require the mental construction of a grammatical sentence. It
is only when one is trying to make sense of the objects that one visualizes
that one is required to use language, and it is my contention that It may indeed be necessary to mentally
construct a grammatical sentence in one’s head if one is to perform, or even
understand, a specific action, but for the process of imagining any random object
or a place, it should be fairly obvious that senses such as vision and hearing
are perfectly adequate at helping to accomplish such tasks.
Bergen does not bring up in his book, which, in my opinion, really needed to be
brought up, was the actual role that language plays in our lives. I believe
that we can, without providing any statistics, experiments or empirical
evidence, say with confidence that language regulates every and any human
activity that can be undertaken—from complex discussions about abstract topics
to taxing physical actions. It is the “master controller” of all of our
activities. Think about the vast array of activities that it controls, and you
will then realize that you would not be able to do anything without it. For a
person to perform any sort of complex task, he or she must use language in
order to understand the components of the task. Let’s take the example of
brewing a sort of primitive alcoholic drink, or building basic tools for
survival. Let us presume that there is a group of early humans who are looking
to have a party; in the typical anthropological understanding that most people
have of early humans, there is a lot of grunting, and not a lot of thinking—so
how do they undertake the brewing process? What most people don’t realize is
that early humans were every bit as communicative as we are today; the
stereotypical “Tarzan” speech that lacks grammar is not sufficient for the
needs of our survival in “the wild”. Early humans needed to be able to use
grammatical language in order to explain the complex and often confusing set of
circumstances that life as a hunter-gatherer would naturally demand in those
days. And if you really think about it carefully, how could basic survival
skills ever be accomplished if not for the ability to make grammatical
sentences in one’s mind? For the sake of this “simulation” about life as a
primitive human, let us imagine ourselves trying to accomplish any sort of task
that requires planning without the ability to form sentences. This doesn’t mean
just the lack of ability to utter
sentences aloud, but to form mental sentences in our heads as well. Imagine
your mind just seeing images of objects and living things, but not being able
to tell yourself what you are going to do next in relation to them. Without grammatical commands in your head,
you are totally unable to figure out what you are going to do next. So not only
are we as human beings absolutely dependent on grammatical language in order to
accomplish and achieve what we need to in our daily lives, but our brains
themselves seem also to be exclusively dependent our ability to use
grammar—that is to say, without grammar, we absolutely cannot function; or
rather, if we are “planning animals”, then our brains are hard-wired to give us
the ability to make those plans and not be bound to a set of “animal
instincts”. If it is indeed the ability to make tools and plan complex
scenarios that make us uniquely human as creatures, then the logical conclusion
should therefore be that it is language itself that makes us human. Language is
the most important tool that we as people have; language is the foundational
tool. It is not just the babbling of
primitive words that primitive humans used in order to name and list objects
that gave rise to human language; rather, human language needs to have been
fully grammatically functional since the time of its inception. Human language is not merely a set of
Pavlov-ian cues that give rise to muscular responses; rather, it is the means
by which human beings have the free will to set out to accomplish any and every
thing that they could ever hope to achieve in the world.
course, making such a statement about language on my part, since I am not a
researcher with access to brain scanning equipment (and frankly, I have no real
desire to do physical brain research), extremely subjective. I am relying
entirely on my own intuition in order to make such assertions about human
intelligence. And the reason I am able to do so is simply because the concept
of “meaning” does not, and cannot, be broken down into anything smaller than it
already is. Ultimately, understanding, or meaning, is the essence of our
humanity—take that away from us through means of “objective research”, and we
as beings don’t make a bit of sense in the context of the natural world.
Cheetahs run quickly across the plains, frogs hop through swamps from lily pad
to lily pad, and we humans reason in order to solve problems. There really is
nothing more to say about any of it. What Professor Bergen seems to be implying
with his book is that there is a great new scientific theory that is likely to
arise out of scanning brains; that somehow, every neuron can be mapped in order
to figure out exactly how we as people undertake our daily existence; there
will turn out to be a typing neuron and a coffee neuron, etc..., and some day,
we will have everything figured out in advance so that we don’t actually have
to live our lives with any amount of uncertainty. But what scanning brains and
deconstructing language to a set of neuron cues and pathways fails to do is
take the concept of “free will” into account. It is such a simpler conclusion
to arrive at—that the human experience is extremely subjective, and that we
have freedom to choose our own actions. Early humans most assuredly never
questioned their own existence, and consequently never labeled themselves as
“primitive” or in need of a more advanced or objective consciousness; they were
probably too frightened by their surroundings and were just trying to survive.
For that reason, they most assuredly cherished their tribal languages and told
vivid, poetic stories and sang songs in them from generation to generation. The
final conclusion that any person dedicated to understanding human language must
make is that language is goal-oriented; the goal of language is to produce
meaning and understanding. I find the entire notion of deconstructing meaning
to be, quite frankly, appalling, and though I do find it extremely interesting
that we can scan our brains and realize that our entire bodies are involved in
the actual understanding and producing of language, I nevertheless think that
the quest to find specific “language neurons” to be completely absurd. As a
traditional linguist, I refuse to deconstruct language simply because I do not
want to deconstruct my own humanity.
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